Administration Stéphanie Gressin + 33 (0)2 40 35 70 88

Ritual for a sensitive geography

Choreographic Installa(c)tion & performance
Conception Julie Nioche, Filiz Sizanli, Mustapha Kaplan, Alexandre Meyer

PREMIERE 2018 JUNE 1st - TPE de Bezons / Art Center La Graineterie à Houilles & June event Festival - Paris

Concept & performance Julie Nioche, Filiz Sizanli et Mustafa Kaplan
Music & performance Alexandre Meyer
Technical manager Max Potiron
Scenographic look Laure Delamotte-Legrand

. / . More information about the team



In our current geo-political context, what are the new rituals for encountering the unknown, coming together to affirm powerful, essential values which transcend borders?
Ritual for a sensitive geography is an invitation to audiences to tiptoe through the construction of their own borders, imaginary, psychic, sensitive and physical, which will be felt in these small group encounters.

Our bodies become our country.

What intercorporal policy are we trying to construct ?
Ritual for a sensitive geography is a series of 3 choreographic installations which allow us to see how each person portrays his or her body and relates to others:
AT HOME - ritual in acoustic and vocal movement
ON THE WAY - ritual in a laid-out movement
FROM THE CENTER - ritual in spoken movement 

Each step is conceived for groups of 40 people for near 1 hour.
With dance movements and words, the dancers accompany the audience in their experiencing of these “choreographic objects,” choreographic practices, simple actions, even children’s games ...

Somewhere between installation, performance and audience connection, these rituals address the issue of meeting through space, time and movement.

This project invites spectators to look at dance, to experience a certain state of listening, to be a co‑constructor of the ritual in which each presence has its own influence.The participants experience the building of their own territory, with their own way of reaching out to others.

Wanting to share these rituals of meeting is what Filiz Sizanli and Mustafa Kaplan experienced at Gezi Park on the Place Taksim in Istanbul in 2013.

During a time of violence and repression in which the stakes are life itself, men and women create spaces for meetings and rallies to resist, to encourage exchanges between human beings: sharing a meal, reading to each other, sharing dances, receiving first aid, exchanging books, words, movements, looks. Propositions for rallies and other forms of sharing were organized by artists and citizens, creating a community based on tolerance and exchange. 


Premiere June 1st  2018 - TPE de Bezons / Centre d’art la Graineterie - Houilles, France
June 2nd - Festival June Events 2018 - Atelier de Paris CDCN (FR)
July 27/29 - Migrations / National Teater Wales (GB)
January 20/22th - Trajectoires festival - Théâtre Onyx, Saint-Herblain (FR)
Feruary 17th - Scènes de Pays / Espace Figulina, Montrevault-sur-Evre
March 26,27th - La Passerelle, Saint-Brieuc / Festival 360°
March 30th  / April 3rd - Le Grand R, La Roche-sur-Yon (FR)
May 17 -  Le Pacifique  CDCN Grenoble au Magasin des Horizon
June 2 to 7th  - Maison des Métallos, Paris 
January 31 - February 1 - Pharenheit festival - Le Phare, le Havre (FR)


Producer A.I.M.E. - Association d’Individus en Mouvements Engagés - Nantes.
With collaboration of TALDANS - Istanbul

Théâtre Paul Eluard - TPE, scène conventionnée d’intérêt national pour la danse de Bezons
Le Grand R, scène nationale La Roche-sur-Yon
Atelier de Paris CDCN
Théâtre Onyx / scène conventionnée de Saint Herblain

Creation supported by Région Pays de la Loire, Loire Atlantique departement, City of Nantes and French State / DRAC Pays de la Loire

For more informations contact us +33 (0)2 40 35 70 88 or