Marcela Santander Corvalan
Dancer and choreograph

Born in Chile, Marcela Santander Corvalán trains at the dance theater at the Scuola d’Arte Dramatica Paolo Grassi in Milan, then in contemporary dance at the CNDC (Centre National de Danse Contemporaine). Alongside her training, she studied History at the University of Trento in Italy and Theory of Dance at the University Paris-8. Since 2011, she works with the choreographers Dominique Brun Sacre # 197 and Sacre # 2 and Faustin Linyekula Stronghold. She also works in collaboration with the choreographer Mickaël Phelippeau Chorus, Set-Up,Kritt and in the artistic direction of the festival À Domicile . In September 2014, she presents her first project Something around the sound, co-signed with dancer and choreographer Clarisse Chanel. In February 2015, she collaborates with dancer and choreographer Volmir Cordeiro, presenting their duo Époque. Associate-artist at Quartz theater from 2014 to 2017. In March 2016, she creates her first solo performance, Disappeared.
In 2016, she colaborates with Julie Nioche for the show Our Loves